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  • Lovely friendly people, pickup always on time, some great diving and food on boat really good. Would certainly recomend and I'm hard to please.

    22-10-2022 - Duncan Vass
  • I live in Norway / Oslo and have attended several courses Dolphin Dive I have completed after very hard period of education, next to me with very skilled instructors, from Dolphin Dive. per day date I am finished Divemaster. I recommend to everyone. I am very happy and will continue to dive again. with best regards Farhad Berge

    11-10-2020 - Farhad Berge
  • Dolphin Dive bir eğlence turundan ve profesyonel bir dalış ekibinden çok daha fazlası. Hayatınız boyunca unutamayacağınız anlar yaşatır, asla yapamayacağınızı düşündüğünüz yetenekler konusunda önyargılarınızı kıracak bir deneyim sağlar. Tekne ve ofisteki bütün personel olağanüstü candan ve ilgili. Deniz altındaki ortamdan daha güzel bir yerde bulunmadım. Eğitmenlerden kaptana kadar her birine ayrı ayrı teşekkür ederim.

    08-08-2020 - Reena Jürgens
  • Booked this through," Get Your Guide". Both my daughter and i are AOWD,but only option was to book for 2 dives as a beginner. when we arrived they said no problem, you can have 2 certified dives. We were taken down to the dive boat, immaculate, so well presented, fully kitted out, the dives were excellent. Plenty of time in between dives to swim and jump in. The lunch was better than our 5* hotel, very tasty. I never leave reviews, but this Dive Center, deserves it. If you are thinking of booking with them, DO IT, you will not be disappointed.

    26-07-2020 - Roger Parker-Lowe
  • Nice team amazing diving and good fun atmosphere

    07-11-2019 - Joanna
  • Огромное спасибо dolphin-dive за курс AOWD тут работают настоящие профессионалы. Отдельное спасибо ASKIM ACARLAR настоящему профи своего дела.

    23-10-2019 - Sergey
  • Waren im April in Alanya und hatten nur noch einen Tag. Konnte kurzfristig zu bei euch einchecken. Die Tauchgänge waren super.

    04-10-2018 - Heinrich Mohr
  • Liebes Dolphin Dive Team, vielen Dank für die (leider viel zu kurze) schöne Zeit, die Wir am 17.08.2018 auf und unter Wasser mit Euch verbringen durften. Die herzliche Begrüßung,sehr professionelle Betreuung, das gute Essen und die Gespräche mit den alten Hasen haben mir als absolutem Tauchneuling viel Spass gemacht und den Tag zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis werden lassen. Ich freu' mich auf ein Wiedersehen in nicht allzu ferne Zukunft. Liebe Grüße aus Schleswig Holstein Jann

    22-09-2018 - Jann Scheffler
  • Dear brothers in diving, all was nice with you for last two weeks, especially perfect - navigation in caves, descending - ascending navigation were incredible. I'm quite satisfied. Best wishes and till new meetings. Thank you!

    03-07-2018 - Ivan Ladynin
  • Hallo Liebes Dolphin Dive Team, ich möchte mich bei euch allen bedanken für die 6 Tauchgänge am 14.04.18 und 21.04.2018. Es hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht mit euch gemeinsam zu Tauchen. Macht weiter so. Ich werde wieder bei euch Tauchen kommen wenn ich mal wieder in der Türkei bin. Liebe Grüße Ralph von CubaDiving.

    24-04-2018 - Ralph
  • Danke für die zwei schönen Tage bei euch😉 Freue mich schon wieder auf nächstes Jahr bei euch zu tauchen, es war wunderschön. Ganz liebe Grüße Yvonne 😘

    29-10-2017 - Yvonne Pöder
  • underwater photographers have a very handsome. he was very interested in us. I want to thank him very, let's meet again ... I'd kiss you ..

    05-06-2009 - Olya
  • Hi, I'll be coming to Turkey in Augsut 09 with my 11 year old daughter - do you collect from hotels in Antalya Side? Staying at the Sunrise Park Resort & Spa (used to be Sunrise Holiday Village) - anyone stayed there before??? Daughter is PADI Junior Scuba Diver so need a pro to dive with - can I organise this via your on-line reservations?

    09-05-2009 - Mandi Rawlings
  • Just a quick message to thank all the staff there and Suat my instructor for helping me complete my Padi o/w,and a couple of days diving after the course finished...Hopefully will be back in Oct to do the a/o/w with you.. will book nearer the time

    13-04-2009 - COLİN MACMİLLAN
  • hey i wonder if you have any advanced open water course in july? how many days is the course? i am in alanya for 4-5 days. please answer my mai

    09-04-2009 - SİMEN KNUDSEN
  • Hi Levent, erinnerst du dich noch an mich? Wir hatten vor nunmehr 14 Jahren eine schöne Zeit zusammen. Ich hab's immer noch nicht geschafft, den Tauchschein zu machen....:-))) Liebe Grüße aus Berlin, Bianka

    20-02-2009 - Bianka
  • good site one love

    13-01-2009 - OWERRİ BOY
  • Погружается у вас просто сапер! Большое спасибо всем!!!! Если не тяжело. Пусть ребята, которые снимали на камеру нас под водой свяжутся с нами по E-mail ...Спасибо всей команде МОЛОДЦЫ!!! :)))

    21-12-2008 - ИВАН
  • Thank you to all (Ismail & Faith expecially) for lots of laughs :) I had a great couple of days diving and learning wtih the speciality courses (Buoyancy and Nav). Am still diving at home in the UK waters although they are not as warm or clear as the Alanya shores. Hope to see you all again in April 09 when I plan to come back to Turkey. Love and hugs Jennifer (Lopez, lol)

    17-11-2008 - JENNİFER COMETSON
  • ciao ragazzi. Lieben Gruß aus Langenfeld. Die Verlinkung auf unserer HP: www.eissimonetti.de ist erfolgt. Ich habe mich sehr wohl gefühlt bei Euch mit Messut und Helmut. Ich trainiere für Eure Niederlage beim nächsten Billiard-killing Alles Gute weiterhin, und macht weiter so, denn so ist alles perfekt Ciao Enzo

    12-11-2008 - ENZO
  • hello I very want say thank you DENIZ ACARLAR,very good instruktor!! very handsome man!! :) ops: I want come 2009 !!! ;)

    11-11-2008 - Diana
  • You teach me many things... I saw beautifull things... eaven verry deep Thanks... see u next season Twisted :)

    03-11-2008 - Kasia
  • Подводный мир супер! Очень понравилось, молодцы!

    26-10-2008 - АЛЕКСЕЙ
  • Bence şahaneydi ilk suya gırdıgımde okadar korkmama rağmen egıtmenımın cesaret verişiyle daldım ve şuan kursuna bile yazılcam inşallah eğitmenime teşekkur edıyorum o an dalamasaydım emınımkı bır daha suya bıle gıremezdım bence mukemmel otesı bır dugu herkese şiddetle tavsıye edıyorum :)

    15-09-2008 - Seda
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Njf-_mPc2FY Alanya 3;08;2008 many thanks for Dolphin Dive AND I WON'T SAY HELLO TO MACHMED

    11-09-2008 - SEBASTİAN

    04-09-2008 - MURAT
  • Hallo Freunde, möchte mich auf diesem Wege noch einmal ganz herzlich bei Euch allen für die schönen Tauchgänge, den guten Service und die erstklassige Rundumbetreuung ( Transfer usw.) bedanken. Besonders liebe Grüße an Erkan,Ismail-Kugelfisch, Ismail-Service und Can. Für alle anderen Taucher: Basis mit guter Ausstattung und sehr guter Betreuung-entschädigt etwas für Tauchgänge im Mittelmeer, welche nicht eine so große Artenvielfalt wie z.B das Rote Meer bieten.

    22-05-2008 - HANS PETER ALBERT
  • Hello.. :) It was my first diving time and I must say, I liked it very much...:) especially thanx to instruktor Suat for the nice trip under the water...and I hope, that when I'll be in Alania next year, he will show me more nice places...;)

    13-09-2007 - VİLMA, LİTHUANİA
  • i took the p.a.d.i course with dolphin dive in 2005 and have been diving with them four times a year and ever since. They r the best in town very helpful especially ismail(cus i do still make mistakes and ismail puts up with me) so if u want to take up scuba diving then they r the people r dolphin dive.it is my pleasure to know them

    04-09-2007 - David
  • o gün sizinle ilk defa denize daldım denizin dibine aşık oldum böyle bir şey yaptığınız için sağolun :)

    24-08-2007 - Kadirhan
  • Hallo zusammen.Wollten uns noch mal bedanken für den schönen Tag. Das Tauchen hat uns viel Spass gemacht und macht Lust auf mehr. Danke auch nochmal an Silja,sie hat das super cool gemacht und ich habe mich vom ersten Moment an sicher bei ihr gefühlt(Es war ja mein erstes Tauchen überhaupt).Werden bei unserem nächsten Türkei Urlaub sicher wieder bei euch sein.Bis dann Dietmar und Tanja

    03-07-2007 - DİETMAR GRUNENBERG
  • sitenizi bugün inceledim harika bir olay dalmak ama ben dalamamkii korkarım yardım ederseniz öğretirseniz gelirim ist selam sevgiler :)

    09-03-2007 - Meral Cindar
  • ilk dalişimı sizlerle yapmiştim ve o gün denizin altına aşık olmuştum bana dalma sporunu sevdiğren DOLPHIN DIVE ailesi sizlere teşekür ederim DENİZLERİMİZİ KORUYOYALIM...

    29-10-2006 - SÜLEYMAN YILDIRIM
  • Hello @ all :) i hope every one is ok there. Ismail: i think often at oure time together. oje 10 years ago I wish all the best

    19-10-2006 - Nicole
  • hallo zusammen, hoffe ihr seid an dem tag als der große regen kam nicht auf dem boot ertrunken Wink wollte mich bei euch allen nochmal für sehr schöne tauchtage bedanken. hat viel spass gemacht ! grüße an ismail und er soll bis zu meinem nächsten urlaub bei euch an seinem luftverbrauch "arbeiten". wenn er nicht wie speedy conzales unterwegs ist, braucht er weniger luft Wink liebe grüße aus deutschland andreas

    14-10-2006 - Andreas
  • Hallo, wir haben in der 2. Septemperwoche unseren OVD hier gemacht, Grüsse an Nathalie und Björn. War eine schöne Woche mit viel Training. Surat unser Instructor und alle Teammitglieder waren toll. Bis nächstes Jahr und immer 35 Bar in der Flasche. KH S

    2006-10-14 - KARL-HEİNZ UND SİMONE
  • Hi there at dolphin dive, last week I was in Anlaya and dived again with dolphin dive, this time a cave dive and the tunnel dive. I liked it very much. Thanks for everything and see you in october.

    09-09-2006 - Dajo
  • you have amazing instructors))))))))))))

    26-08-2006 - Katerina
  • Bi arkadaşımdan duydum Dolphin dive var Alanya'da diye. Sitenizi buldum ve iceledim. Gercekten siteniz özenle hazırlanmış. Faaliyetlerinizinde yüksek kalitede olduğu belli oluyor. En kısa zamanda faaliyetlerinizide yakından görmek isterim. Başarılarınızın daim olması dileği ile... (One of my friend said me "There was Dolphin Dive in Alanya". I found your web page and like it. My opinion really your web page and your activities are perfect. Soon I Want to see your activities. I wish you success activities.)

    26-08-2006 - Engin Helvacı
  • Merhaba 2005 de sizinle dalişa çikmiştim gerçekten ancak bukadar olur denir ya yo sizler için az kalacak bir kelme gerçekten tam bir aile ortaminda eylenceli güzel bir gün geçirtiniz bizlere ve sualtını bu kadar sevmemdeki sebeblerden olan hocalarımada ayreten buradan teşekür etmek isterim tüm dolphın dıve ailesine ve çalişanlarına teşşekürler...

    15-07-2006 - Süleyman Yıldırım
  • hi ihr!!!! ich wollte euch mal loben, eure homepage wird echt immer besser!! und ich werde nächstes jahr mal wieder zu euch kommen... vielleicht sogar für etwas länger... ich freue mich... ihr seid die besten... eure heiki und ina (2003+2004)

    30-06-2006 - Ina Hinrichs
  • Hello everybody remeber me? I took witm my friend Henk about 4 years ago the padi course with succes. And since then I am hooked on diving. Still I miss Alanya and Dolphin Dive. Now I am a father of 2 children and.... settled. I will come back one day and visit you all with my family. I wish you all the best of luck. For the readers who have any doubt of taking the course I can say..... DO IT you will not regret it. Ben

    29-06-2006 - Ben
  • Erkan and all other crewmembers, we had a great day, did my first dive ever in Alanya. It was a great experience and many more will follow, in October we will be back and i hope to have my license before that time and do much more diving then(have to wait for my eye operation tho) The pictures i promised you came out great and will be in the mail this week, please use em as you like. For people goin to Alanya and want a wonderful diving (beginners and pro,s)day, visit these guys, they know the good sights and places, its well worth the money, in one word, SUPERB. Guys, Thanks for all and Be Safe. Greetings from a (at this moment) rainy Holland. Jan.

    22-06-2006 - Jan De ZWART

    18-06-2006 - Mehmet Seza
  • Nice site I will recommend you to all my friends. Thank you.

    10-06-2006 - Klaus
  • Hello!I met Serhat for 11 years ago, when I was 16. Me and my cousin were out on your boat once too.we loved it!I just want to send a hello to him and hope he is doing ok in his life after his studies and all.I hope you will have a good season. Caroline/Sweden.

    02-06-2006 - Caroline Cederlund
  • Mardin’den merhabalar.Mardin’de görev yapmaktayım.Kahramanmaraş Göksun Keklikoluk Köyü’ndenim.Fırsat buldukça il, ilçe, belde ve köy tanıtıcı ve bilgilendirici, aydınlatıcı siteleri ziyaret etmeye çalışırım. Tanıtım adına yapılan bu etkinlikleri güzel buluyorum.Şu güzel ülkemizin ne kadar renkli ve güzellik dolu olduğunu daha iyi anlıyor insan.Web ekibine bu güzel olanak için teşekkür ederim.Kahramanmaraş Göksun Keklikoluk Köyü ve Sivas İmranlı Doğançal Köyü başta olmak üzere selam bekleyen herkesi selamlarım. Yazma olanağı için de teşekkür ederim

    30-05-2006 - İskender Yıldız

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